miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

English A1 Activity 7 - Technology Integration - Self Interest Information

English Activity 7 - Technology Integration - Self Interest Information
Good evening. Today I'm going to write about my Self Interest Information.

Well, there are some personal stuff that are personal but that I consider I can share with you. For example, some of the information that I like to search and watch on Internet are the sports and the music. For that I can found the information in several Internet links. 

Just as an example: If I want to found the information about how were the last results of La Liga (the professional soccer competition at Spain), I can find this information at 
marca, at on line spanish newspaper. 

And, if the topic is about the politics in Colombia, I consider that the best source is 
La Silla Vacía a Colombian digital newspaper that develop relevant information about Colombia and his politics. 

Another topic that I want to share today is about the videos that I like to watch on the Internet. The common web page for this activity is YouTube. And, trying to specify one kind of video that I love to watch (and also listen) are the videos of rock groups like The Beatles or Led Zeppelin. 

One example could be the possibility of listen the 
Inmigrant Song of Led Zeppelin. 

Last, but not least, I want to share with you the video that I made for one speaking activity for the english course that I'm taking at the UNAD. 

The video is available at:

Best regards, 

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