miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018

English A1 Activity 7 - Technology Integration -Activities I like doing alone, activities I don’t like doing, Activities I like doing with my family or friends.


I have many activities. There are some activities that I like to do alone, others that I prefer do with a partner or, even, some activities that I don't really like much to do. 

Let's begin with the descriptions:

Activities I like doing alone

I don't really like to do exercise with a partner. I think that if I work with another person, I can lose the intensity of my activity.

Reading is another thing that I prefer doing alone. It is very common that another person, just in this moment, start another conversation or could imagine another activity. So, I prefer reading alone.

Activities I don't like doing

Personally, the active pause is, for me, something unnecessary or even inconvenient. I think that is true that our labour time doesn't have to be a permanent activity. But consider a group of people walking for even office, inviting the workers to stop working and begin a "funny" activity is disgusting. 

 Activities I like doing with my family or friends

Go to a party is one of this activities that I like to go with another person. (In the image, with my wife). 

Vacations are another activity that I like to do with another person. 

Good night for everybody. 

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